Moving Fuse Box



[FONT=&quot]I'm currently putting an extension on my the front of my house (lots of work) save money I got my (qualified) spark friend to do the electrics. One thing he did was move the Fuse box from the hall into the new room on the other side of the wall. Most of the wires were not long enough to go to the new fuse box so he added (over rated) connectors to lengthen them. These were all covered in electrical tape and pushed into the void in the cavity wall.

The builder has said that this is a fire hazard.....anybody know if this is acceptable or dangerous?[/FONT]
providing he made the connections off properly and he used the right size cable it should be fine. it sounds like he didnt have much of a choice but to join the cables to make them reach your new board. he could have maybe put the connections in OBO boxes also but i would consider that safe enough in what he did. as it is in a cavity wall they will not be covered in concrete or anything that would corrode the cables. put it this way, a socket is like a joint in a cable, only it is accessable. generally we try to avoid having to put in any extra joints in cables but as in your case it is not really an option
Not speaking personally, but by the ETCI rules and best practice he did not do it correctly (the word "safe" is subjective). They should have been connected within an enclosure which could be accessed by a panel.
He did have a choice but was more than likely trying to do you a favour on cost.
Explain that the builder brought it up and you would like an accessible enclosure and are willing to pay.
[FONT=&quot]Thanks for the replies, I certainly appreciate that my mate was doing me a favour....but someone mentions "fire" and it makes you stop and think. We went back last night and rerouted all the major cables (shower, cooker, shed, all downstairs sockets, etc) and managed to get them direct to the new fuse box.....just left with all lights, upstairs sockets and emersion with connectors.....I feel much happier now![/FONT]