Moving from JB to JA - means test


Registered User
Hello Everyone,

Unfort. over the past 9 months I have being unable to find work, it is not for the lack of trying I can tell you. I got a letter from Social saying that my stamps have ran out and I am moving to JA which is means tested.

My partner just earns over 400 a week (less when you take away tax etc) According to the calculator on this site, I only come out with 13 euro a week, is this correct?

Do they not take into considering a mortgage, children etc?

I would love to know what ye think as I am very worried and could not survive on 13 a week.

Does this help

Deductions From Earnings - Insurable Employment - Claimant

Jobseeker's Allowance
From 26 September 2007 a new means assessment applies to assessable income
Assessable income is gross earnings less deductions for PRSI, superannuation (including AVC's and PRSA's) and union dues. Deductions in respect of income tax, VHI ( BUPA etc) and travel expenses are not allowed. Previous to 26 September 2007 net earnings did not include tax and VHI ( BUPA etc). A moderate allowance was disregarded for travel expenses of the spouse/partner is he/she worked 3 days or less a week.
From 26 September 2007 - Earnings from insurable employment are assessed as means using the following method:
Under the new means assessment (from 26 September 2007) a family rate less means applies. The family rate is based on a personal rate, a full qualified adult rate and full qualified child rate less means. A disregard to €20.00 a day for each day worked by the customer up to a maximum of 3 days each week applies (max €60.00 a week). Means of customer are calculated as follows: assessable income less the relevant disregards and the balacne is assessed at 60%. In the case of a couple, both of the couple are assessed in exactly the same manner, assessable income less the relevant disregards and 60% of the balance is assessed.