Moving From City To Country


Registered User
Hi All,

Seriously considering making the move from city life to
country living.Major city to outskirts of a village 15 miles away.

I would be interested in views/comments from anyone that has
made a similiar move in the last couple of years good and bad or

Thanks in advance....
Moved from Dublin to Carlow(I know,not a village but it is a country town) over the last couple of years, lots of good things, odd iffy thing

on the plus side,
property is cheaper
much easier to get local tradespeople to do jobs who don't charge ridiculous Dublin prices. I have a guy who cuts my hedges and does any other odd jobs(including digging up tree stumps) for €20 per hour and he takes it all away
less traffic
greater sense of community, less people passing through an area for a couple of years before moving on

on the negative side, people will know your business, especially in a village, l
ess choice for shopping,
having to commute for work/shopping

Overall, best thing I ever did
Hi there,

I moved to from dublin to country about 15 years ago. I'm from the country originally though and relocated back but having lived in dublin for 6 years before that. I'm originally from centre of town background but live in the country now. I wouldn't live in a town or city now at all - I know it means driving kids everywhere but only live 1 mile from town. With regard to moving from dublin, don't miss traffic jams, queing for banks, shopping, property prices even back then were high, smaller house to live etc do miss variety of cinemas, restaurants - in generally for me there are more pros than cons for relocating. The biggest one at the moment for anyone relocating from dublin is you get far more value for money in house prices, they commute is the down side but I'd rather commute than be a slave to a huge mortgage. I live in the county of carlow myself and the new motorway which is due to finished in june 08 will take 20 to 25 minutes of your journey - you could have best of both worlds.
Thanks guys for replies,interesting thread ndp. wont be to much of a
difference for me compared to some posts.
From galway city to 13 miles outside............................