Moving from Belfast to Dublin




I'm new here... ***waves*** (So please forgive me if I've put this thread in the wrong place! I'm still finding my way around here.)

I'm getting married in October and sometime in the next 2 or 3 months, will be relocating from Belfast to Dublin. I've just applied for a few jobs so hopefully that will amount to something.

Anyway. I was wondering if any of you had some advice for someone in my position. Technically speaking, I am moving countries... I know I'm going to need to open a new bank account, credit card, etc, plus sort out my current ones so that I can pay off my overdraft, etc etc. Work-wise, do I need to sort anything out -- I have my national insurance number for the north but (sorry for being a bit stupid, but I've never had to know things like this!!) is there an equivalent in the south that I need to sort out? Also, when it comes to re-registering my car, is there a time limit, i.e. can I leave it registered in the north for a while? Any tips would be gratefully received!! I'm basically getting to the point where I'm panicking and stressing out about forgetting big important stuff... :confused:
