Moving bathroom


New Member
Im looking to move our downstairs toilet.
It’s currently in a room beside the stairs. I think it would work better as a Utility room and we would have the space to move the toilet under the stairs. These spaces are beside each other so I would assume plumbing shouldn’t be an issue. How much would a job like this cost, taking into account we won’t have to purchase a toilet and sink.
It would depend on a lot of factors like the waste too the toilet/basin etc.
I’d expect too pay between €700-€3000 depending on what actually needs doing.

Trying too find sumbody or company too do it may be the tricky part though.

Are u planning or reusing the toilet and sink in the new bathroom ??
Does the waste from the toilet go down into the floor or straight out through the wall above floor level? If it goes down through the floor it'll be a messy enough job to move that.

Also, how is the toilet fixed to the floor? You see a lot sealed with adhesive or concrete, and you'd be unlikely to remove those without breaking them. Basic toilets are pretty cheap now.
Hopefully it’s not a cast iron stack either.
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