moving back from midlands to dublin


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Has anyone ever moved back from the Country to Dublin and was iit a good move. Thinking oof moving back due to lack of job oppotunities now and in the future iin the middlaands - currently working, but no clinical support for masters degree in work - thoguh they do need the qualification I will hopefully have. So have ended up applying for clinical experience on a voluntary basis in Dublin. Kids are haappy iin Midlands, but son (and a lot of other chiildren and parents have had a lot of probllems with the pparticular school the kids are in) has had problems in the school (JI) - (haas been assessed privately by psychologgist - no probs, but bright and bored) and is not that keen on it. Have house in Dub and school places for Sept. Wondering it it is a good move back. Children would be living in same villlage as Dad - good for them - but he was and still iis to a degree, quiite bullying and difficult towards me - though I do handle it a lot better now - thiis is a big reservation for me - but aside from that all my friends are in dublin annd also sister and I own a house there also. Any advice greatly appreciated.
Hi Elaine
I'm a country girl who lived in Dublin for 18 years.
I'm currently living in the countryside..short term...and moving back to our house in Dublin for the next school year.

My views are:
I always loved living in Dublin but knew there was life elsewhere.
I adore the lifestyle where I live now, but it is v hard/impossible to make a living.
You have a lot of choice in Dublin, regarding work, friends, activities

All the gang violence in Dublin worries me. People say oh...that's certain areas and between themselves...but one of my in-laws was an innocent bystander injured in gang related events in Dublin 2 years ago, on his way to work at 8 am.
Dublin is very expensive to live in compared to a rural place...think parking charges etc.
Keeping the kids out of trouble requires planning and money. Although I think this applies in many rural towns too. Friends of mine moved from a local town (pop2000) to my home village to keep the kids away from troublesome friends.

Overall I love Dublin....but I think if I had a choice...which I don't really...I would raise my kids in a village.
Hi! Mommah, thanks for your reply. Yes, I do worry about the violence and crime in Dublin - seem more removed from it down here. However, all the opportunities are in Dublin - jobwise. I could commute, I suppose, but it would be 1.5 hrs each way and I'm a single parent. My daughter loves it here, but no so much my son. Its definitely a dilemma. Looks like we wont be moving this year as my tenants in my house in Dublin did not want to move and break their lease - unusual as rents have dropped a lot sense - so it will definitely be next summer if we move - big decision! Thanks again for your reply. Much to think about.