movie downloads



Could anyone suggest the best movie download options for Irish ADSL users. I've looked into Cinemanow, Movielink and Starz but all of these only offer their service to US customers at present (although cinema now have agreed a deal with Tiscali for a European service in the future). So, is there any pay per view download service available here ? I've tried WinMx P2P software too but it's hard to download full movies.
google for torrent files. Theyre yer only man for movies.
movie download

Thanks car - I have ~56kB/sec download speeds over an ADSL connection from fast sites. I tried using Bittorrent already and only managed download speeds of ~4kB/sec, crawling like dialup. I hadn't setup a direct TCP/UDP connection though as I have to configure port forwarding on my router & firewall. What sort of download speeds should I expect ? I also noticed that when using torrents you must allow uploads which I'm not too sure about given my upload restrictions.

The principle behind torrents is that everyone leaves uploads on even after youve got the file. The swarming technology takes bits of the file that youve havent got from other users so the more users(or sources) the better. If youre going to use torrents then be user friendly and leave the uploads on.
The speed you get should depend on the amount of sources and the speed of their line so if youve only one source on a landline modem then willl probably only get 4kbps.
Ive seen this regularly but Ive used other torrents and had speeds up to and beyond 70kb/s.
If Im downloading and only get 4kbps or less for any length of time, I just kill it as its not worth the effort.
If oure determined, there are dedicated torrent websites that will charge you a monthly fee for downloads, Ive never tried them but Id imagine youd get decent speeds on them.
Just to bump this old thread up again. I've been trying to find a legal way to download movies in Ireland and I can't. AOL restrict to the UK and iTunes don't allow movie or tv downloads in Ireland. Torrent works of course but isn't it illegal?

Any suggestions welcome
came across a site last night that were streaming a lot of recent movies
including Casino Royale-not the old one the new one-clearly illegal-I'd probably get banned if I put the URL on here
PS They also had The Beatles New Album for download-only relaesed this week-must admit I did listen for a while-wonder if its there today!
P2P is NOT ilegal, close all your ports and leave only the needed one open.
The government uses the ''threat of force'' to literally scare people away from using peer2peer.
However downloading from the web ie. a music website is illegal.
If people were being traced by the RIAA, they would like nothing better than parading them around on the news stations, the fact that ive never heard of people being shown on tv leads me to believe that there are no people being arrested.
But it's a matter of personal belief
There have been a number of Irish people prosecuted in the past year, I don't know the volumes of downloads involved though. Sites like Limewire are notoriously virus ridden too.

Take a look at

[broken link removed]

for details of prosecutions.

hmm fair enough DirtyH20, but no faces these characters could be fictitious. I'm definitely not disagreeing with you but, I know lots of companies try to scare ppl away from downloading the songs, I'm just not sure i'd belive that. Then again ''ignorance is bliss'' Thanks anyway i'll keep it in mind.

Hate to rain on your parade but i can assure you that peer to peer sharing of copyright protected material is very much illegal. It has been conclusively held in various jurisdictions that the "fair use" defense to copyright infringement is not applicable to file sharing.

The simple fact though, is that you are only sharing a small amount of copyright content with a mate, the authorities will have no interest in coming after you. On the other hand, if you are sharing thousands of files, and permitting your computer to act as a "node" (i.e. permitting your files to be downloaded by another) in a peer-to-peer network, then expect to be contacted by the authorities.

Recently it has been held in the Irish courts that a service provider may be compelled, under an order of the court, to release details relating to:

(1) a history of web usage relating to an IP address
(2) a means of identifying the person who is the registered user of this IP address (i.e. their home address)

This order may be sought in relation to copyright infringement - and the particular case in which the legality of such an order was confirmed, dealt with music downloading. This was real people being brought to account - including the parents (and registered users of the ISP) of 14 year old girl who was contacted with a letter from IRMA demanding over 20K in damages for copyright infringement
Totally agreed its illegal. However, how easy it to prove that the customer of an ISP and the registered user of the IP address was the user that downloaded the copyrighted material though?.
To me its the same as a speed camera taking a pic of a cars licence plate and a notice comes out saying you the owner is getting the points unless you can tell us who else was driving the car. More then likely it was the registered user of the IP address but it could have been a neighbour who piggyed on the wifi network? How can IRMA say it was without doubt the user? If someone robbed your car and got a speeding ticket are you responsible for it? Now, thats easy enough to find out but how do you know if someone is piggybacking on your wifi? (some of us might but your average user wouldnt)

as an alternative see this site to help you find files that are open on the web. It puts a nice GUI on google search terms that would normally only be used by the more tech aware.
Download a movie is not illegal, or 20 movies, or 100 movies! Now, making profit of that is illegal. I pay my internet fare so I can view movies at home, listen to music, etc. The day I can walk into a music store with a playlist and say, please, burn this cd for me. Ok, 5 euro. That day, I'll stop getting music online. They are missing a new market.

If someone robbed your car, you WOULD be responsible if your car picked up a speeding ticket. Of course you would point to the fact that you had reported your car as stolen as evidence that you were not personally driving it. Similarly you could claim that it was not you who downloaded the relevant copyrighted material, but the point is that the onus is on you to prove that you are not responsible. In other words you have to shift the evidential burden of proof.
Incidentally this is the same defence that Gary Glitter tried to raise re child porn but this was defeated on the basis that his pc was password protected and he was the only person capable of accessing the computer. Put simply, if there is illegally downloaded material on your pc (or you are allowing your pc to be used as a node) you must account for it.
Getting a letter form IRMA claiming multiple thousands in damages and the prospect of extensive legal costs if you challenge the claim tends to focus the mind. As a result, most people settle the claim before it reaches the courts - usually to the tune of a few thousand quid (IRMA are generally prepared to accept a lower settlement amount rather than go to court).

As I mentioned though, there is little chance of being targeted by IRMA if you don;t take the pi$$.


Making a profit out of downloaded copyrighted content which you have not paid for is completely irrelevant. The fact that you have not paid for something that you otherwise would have had to constitutes the offence. This is why Napster in its original guise was shut down.
Put simply, if there is illegally downloaded material on your pc (or you are allowing your pc to be used as a node) you must account for it.
Totally agreed if on a PC, but IRMA arent saying theres illegal content on your PC, theyre saying theres illegal content being offered through your IP. Big difference. Ive up to 3 clients at home on my wifi network all with their own LAN IP, but they all go out through the ISP provided IP. If my neighbour jumps on my WIFI LAN, hes got the same IP.
On the security side, theres a 30 second vid knocking round the web of how anyone can crack any WEP security protected wifi LAN inside 30 seconds with a widely available free app with a click of a button and they can view my LAN, and it aint like my WIFI LAN is going anywhere. So take it to the next level, if IRMA take you to court and you say you didnt have any illegal content on your pc, you bring your illegal content free laptop to court for inspection, (whether it ever had it on it before is a different matter) what can IRMA say?
Take the stance that its up to you to prove it wasnt you, raise the stakes and discuss that darkest of topics, child porn. If someone was of the mind to take down a file with said content from a monitored source, would they take it down on their network or their neighbours if they could get on it? Now it gets a bit more serious then a few quid, how do you prove who took it down without a PC?

I do agree with most of what youre saying. Im not advocating it, nor have no particular great yearning for people to get away with illegal downloading, I just think IRMA wouldnt have a leg to stand on if it went to court just on the basis of an IP logged upload.