moved my mortgage from ebs to halifax


Registered User

I just moved my morgage from ebs to halifax.

I keep paying the same amount ( within 40 euros of ebs amount) and they cut 6 years of my morgage!

I gave EBS the opportunity to requote and they said there was nothing they could do! strange to think that there is such a difference in the market out there when you go looking

My morgage value was under 40% of the house value

Just thought I'd share with everyone as Im delighted!
Re: moved my morgage from ebs to halifax

Well done. I take it you are paying an extra €40 pm to cut the six years off the term. Would EBS not accept accelerated payments, i.e.extra €40 pm?

Re: moved my morgage from ebs to halifax

were you concerned about ebs becoming demutilised. and how hard was it to transfer. was there a lot of hassle?
Re: moved my morgage from ebs to halifax

it actually seemed EBS didnt care that my situation had changed

bigger job, more secure money wise

the house had jumped in value v's the morgage repayments

I rang them and told them my situation, i got told to write a letter to us!

i rang them again and was told, the person you need to talk to is not here, i got a phone call 7 working days later

When i got the phone call they said they could cut the repayments by 20 euro, i told them i going to moved and they said go ahead!

So I did, was very strange on EBS behalf.

Halifax very easy to deal with, lets hope it continues
Re: moved my morgage from ebs to halifax

I was in a similar situation a few months ago with NIB but I went back to EBS with the new offer from NIB and they matched it as best they could (but not quite as good-4.6%). They cut my PPR rate from 5.25% to 4.9% and my investment rate from 5.75% to 5.25%.

Re: moved my morgage from ebs to halifax

Just wondering has anyone managed to get a better rate than 4.9% for a PPR and 5.25% for an investment property from EBS?

Tks J.
HI what type of Morgtage do you have? or had with the EBS and what interest rate did you get with Halifax?
EBS suck, sent them an email, told them to cut it or lose it, they didn't even reply so I moved to UB, got €1000 for my trouble and 0.5% less interest.