Mountshannon road kilmainham?


Registered User
Hi all,

Friends are looking at a house in this area. The house ticks all the right boxes but they have no idea what the area is like as they live nowhere near it now?
Would appreciate any comments, good, bad or indifferent.

Thanks a mill
They're lovely houses and the street is really nice. Easy access to the city. Surrounding areas can be hit or miss though, particularly walking home through Thomas St./James St.
Thanks budapest, thats what we were looking for. Its a lovely road alright but it is the surrounding areas I'd be slightly concerned about. I know there are new apartments on the fatima mansions site and they look nice so maybe its safe enough?
I am moving into the area next week - to Brookfield Road which is just next to Mountshannon. I must say the houses on Mountshannon are just lovely especially one of them which I know is on the market at the moment -it's an amazing house in my opinion! I know a couple of people who live in the area and just love it. They have lived there for several years and are very happy with it. It seems that people who move into the area are reluctant to ever move out. Rialto village is meant to great e.g. Bird Flannagan pub and great butchers and bakery and I have heard nothing but good things about it. Also the fact that the area is right next to a LUAS stop is a big bonus. The Fatima site is a good walk away but again is being completely regenerated, with new apartments for sale at the moment, so I wouldn't worry too much about it.
Thats great Pantone, very positive. The houses are beautiful alright.
Thanks for all the info. Will pass on.
I lived in Brookfield Rd for 6 years and liked the area. I never saw a hint of trouble in all my time there. I jogged in the evenings, even in winter and never felt unsafe.
I wouldn't walk home from town at night, through James St, but I always found that taxis were always quite easy to find if you walk up towards Jurys in Christchurch anyway.

Good luck in Brookfield Rd, Pantone, we loved the house and were sorry to move, when the time came that we needed more space.
We used to live and work near there for 7 yrs.
I wouldn't hesitate to recommend the area, I loved it.
What I love about it is it is so near such vast green spaces like the Royal Hospital, the memorial park and phoenix park. To me you get all the pluses of being near the city centre and many of the pluses of the countryside.

You are near the LUAS stop in Fatima.
There can sometimes be problems with junkies hanging out on the bridge there, I'm vigilant when I'm stopped in traffic and walking. I've never had a problem myself but have heard of issues. The redevelopment of Fatima should help with alot of those issues. You get the same issues in many areas.

Acquantances of mine actually owned a house on Mt Shannon road and sold it a few years ago to move down the country....they loved the street though.
My brother's lived on Mountshannon Rd. for the past 10 years, and he wouldn't hesitate to recommend it. They have very good neighbours, and there are plenty of family homes on the road. Location couldn't be better, especially since the Luas came. Yes, there are some dodgy areas within 500m, but they've never had a hint of trouble. Personally, I'm not sure Kilmainham village will ever develop in the same way as (for example) Ranelagh has due to the South Circular being so busy, but the Hilton and surrounding developments have and will have a very positive effect.

The road itself though is a bit of a peaceful enclave: I know it would take a lot to get him to move.

To the OP: PM me if you want more specific details on anything: I know the area quite well.