Mountain Dew? What is it?


I stumbledupon a listing of soft drinks in the US and came across "Mountain Dew". Ive never come across it before either in popular culture or on many visits to the east and west coasts.

Whats it like? Where is it sold? Can you get it in Europe?
It's a notorious "bogeyman" in the US where dental standards are concerned.

Apparently in areas where it is most popular (can't remember - the Carolinas, Virginias or somewhere like that) the teeth are falling out of kids and teenagers heads at a very non US-like rate. Sound like a moral panic type thing to me though.

Haven't had it myself and haven't ever seen it for sale but I believe it is ridiculously sweet for a start. Basically, like a very sweet 7 UP I think.
It's for sale here in Romania. I've never actually tasted it but I believe it's like 7UP. My wife is down on it because it is STUFFED with caffeine like Red Bull apparently.
I remember it being one of the drinks options in places like McDonald's when I lived Stateside. Very similar to 7up.
They sell it in Connolly Station here in Dublin. I bought a bottle last week to see what it was like and ended up binning at least half a bottle. It's supposed to be like 7up and would be if you removed the flavour and added a bucket of sugar. It's terrible. I have a major sweet tooth and I wouldn't drink it.

Word if caution, avoid Bear
It's often in the drinks line-up when there's pepsi rather than coke. Some of the theme parks in Florida (Sea World and Busch Gardens) have pepsi/mountain dew/sierra mist in their restaurants instead of coke/fanta/sprite. I think Sierra Mist is pepsi's sprite/7-up; Mountain Dew is coloured and has different flavours (usually yellow so I suppose lemon flavoured in the restaurants).
I had it when in Iowa a few years ago, Sugary 7-up is a good description.