Motorway not paid for, Private Property???


Registered User
I noticed handwritten signs at the edge of the M1 (both north and south bound) saying "Motorway not paid for" (or something like that) and "Private Property".

Anybody else see them and know what they're about? I'm thinking that maybe because I came off the motorway at Balbriggan that I probably missed signs nearer Drogheda that explain what it's all about.
I saw the sings when heading southbound alright

But no clue what they are about

Probably some crackpot
Maybe the people who owned the land that is now the motorway have not yet got payment under the cpo, so they assume that they still own it.

Just a thought.
Drove as far as the Adree exit at the weekend & saw the signs you mention. Reckon Joe 1234 is on the right path!