motorway driving

villa 1

Registered User
Drove up to croker yesterday. Took the motorway as you would. Driver in the outer lane hogging at 115kph. When she eventually pulled in I proceeded to overtake and low and behold when I eventually get up speed to make the pass there's the bangardy stuck in the ditch with the hairdryer. This really p...s me off. We eventually have a motorway to drive on instead of the old dangerous track but the blue coats are out there extracting more money for sitting on their behinds.
Where are the garda at 1am in the morning when the boy racers/sceaming cars are drag racing and doughnutting 500m from where I live. I suppose this would inconvenience them. Complaining these numnutts is a waste of time.
By all means cut excessive speed on minor roads but where are the multiple road deaths on our motorways. This is extortion:mad:
Well if the limits 120kph Villa 1 what were you doing? And how do you know you were nabbed? The Gardai I think are flexible enough tho if yer not way over. Have to say tho, some muppets pass in the overtake lane at mach 2. I've been doing 120 and seen some drivers lash past me so fast I barely even see the car. When driving at these speeds accidents will be horrendous. I'd hate to see what the Gardai & Doctors see after one.

Driving to Cork last year I was overtaking at around 120 and had some 4WD up my backside trying to intimidate me, this is dangerous and wreckless, and totally un neccessary. Not saying you were doing this at all, but some headers do it all the time.
It's nice to set the cruise control to 120kph and cruise along economically as you should be able to do, but if some muppet is hogging the outside lane this will cause accidents due to frustration and brought on dangerous driving.
I do agree that there are lunatics out there that try to bully when you yourself are overtaking. My present Car has a dpf that really appreciates a long drive driven at present sustained speeds. This is only achievable on good safe roads, our few motorways, that we have waited so long to be built!!
If some of our motorway drivers took on the autobahn's there'd be multiple pile ups and many would be arrested for driving too slowly.
villa 1 said:
Who mentioned anything about TARGETS

You did....

It's nice to set the cruise control to 120kph and cruise along

Why not set the cruise to 110kph and relax? Its more economical as well and if you need to overtake, you have that extra 10kph of legal speed to pass someone out.
The right hand lane is the overtaking lane. You should not be in it unless you are overtaking. It's pretty clear.
The right hand lane is the overtaking lane. It's pretty clear.

Not to the majority of drivers in Ireland though! Even the latest RSA ad campagin isnt doing very much to help.

It comes down to an ignorance of the rules of the road and an arrogance dispalyed by many who use the roads.