Motorway driving

At least you have a motorway to drive on....they don't even have a yard of dual carriageway in the county of Kerry!
At least you have a motorway to drive on....they don't even have a yard of dual carriageway in the county of Kerry!

I just moved to Kerry a couple of months ago. I'd rather drive down the smallest backroad here, than have to put up with the nightmare called the M50. (My standard of living has vastly improved)

There's no need for dual carriageways here.... yet! Long may it last.
I was driving into Dublin along the Naas road the other morning. As I passed Kill a car came down the slip road from the entrance to Geoff’s. The driver didn’t speed up or barge in and used his/her indicator but the cars in the inside lane accelerated to close the gap and not let them in. One car (small car, didn’t see the make) nearly crashed into the Geoff’s car while blowing the horn so that they wouldn’t get in ahead of them. I didn’t see where they did get in as I was in the outside lane and ended up in front of them.
I can’t understand how people can be so rude and aggressive to complete strangers. What the hell difference does it make if another car ends up in front of you and aren’t we supposed to let other cars merge from filter lanes?