This is not a backdoor ad. The car above is almost identical to mine, thus its use as a datum.
Same make, model, engine, same number of seats. Mine is red, the one in the ad is blue, mine has 113,000 kms on the clock, the car in the ad has 107,000 kms.
There's a line on the tax disc in the ad that says "1398 SN PRIVATE €385" This car is taxed for the year from April 2024 to April 2025.
The corresponding line on my tax disc says "158 SN PRIVCO2 €169". Mine is taxed from August 2024 to October 2024. Mine is an original Irish car, I'm the second owner.
I tax mine quarterly so €169 confirms this, and I do understand that there's an extra charge for paying the tax that way, BUT does €385 equate to the annual tax for the car in the ad? If so it means I'm paying almost double the motor tax, €676 vs €385. Can anyone say why?
I tried for enlightenment, but of course, the site is only for collecting money not for educating the apparently over-taxed and all "the people" ain't at their desks for answering PEs.
TIA mathepac.