Motor Rescue Plus - Axa


Registered User
My car broke down on the m50 last week on the way to Crumlin.
Called Rescue Plus and they said call the m50 towing company which I did.
As I had broken down just at exit 13 to sandyford (literally 200 yards from it)
I convinced Kellys to leave me to the renault garage. I had my two kids in the car at the time. I then had to get a taxi home from there as the car engine is wrecked. However, now Rescue Plus will not honour the clause of the policy which states they will help you to complete the journey. So I put this to them.... I'd already waited an hour on the hard shoulder of the m50 with the wife and 2 kids in the car , did they expect me to get towed off the m50, wait another age for their rescue vehicle to tell me the engine was duff and cant be fixed and then get them to call me a taxi, all the time my 1.5 y/o daughter screaming from boredom in the babyseat? They simply say because they didn't make the decision they wont pay. Just beware!
Back in the dark days when I was with Axa I called their motor rescue line after my headlamps failed as I drove on a dark country road in west Dublin. I drove with hazards on to the nearest safe parking area, a supermarket car park. I called the motor rescue from there and they came about an hour later. The guy tinkered about under the bonnet for a while, no it definitely wasn't the bulbs, no it definitely wasn't the fuse. Oh no, he couldn't fix it.

Loaded car onto tow truck and drove to my house - I had to pay the toll on the way. Next morning I took it to the garage up the road, after 2 mins they changed a fuse and like magic my headlamps worked again. I had been on my way down to Cork so I lost a day of my trip due to the "expert" provided by Axa. Just one of the many reasons I did not renew with them that year and would even choose a more expensive provider if Axa were the cheapest. Never again!
I'm going to do that. Rescue Plus tried their best not to tow my car home. They made all types of excuses, even tried to charge me 85 euro. I basically had to read the axa policy book to their representative. They finally tried to say its not an emergency, which was rediculous. Finally I told them if they didn't tow the car home, I'd go to sandyford, push the car onto the road and call them for rescue. You rarely have to use insurance thankfully, but you'd expect some help when you do need them.