motor ins. co. question



can or has anyone heard of a motor insurance company changing details of their customers to avoid accident happened recently car written off firstly i was told by that the liable owner of car was insured to jan 09!now have been told that owner had sold his car and can now say that he and insurers are not liable.all very convenient it seems.who's monitering these things surely they cant change details so easily?
Correct me if im wrong but isn't this your third thread on this in a different vein? It is extremely unlikely an insurance company would do that, as the purpose of insurance is a promise to pay out in the event of a claim. That is the product and any comapny that did what you are implying would immediately be out of business once word got about!
It is possible that the policy was to expire in Jan 09 and the owner of the car sold the car and delayed in sending in the insurance cert and disc (which is normally the case). In which case the policy would have been viewed as live even if the previous owner rang in to cancel the policy and followed up a few days later with posting the disc back to them.
Who monitors these things? The company. Only way to find out would be to see the Vehicle Licensing Cert for the car. And im guessing the only people with access to that are going to be the guards!
As PETEB says, you are kinds asking thesame question in many ways.

The only important factor to note is, is the other party insured or not. The gardai, if they attended the scene should be able to confirm this to you. Altermatively, given that you appear to have some type of injury, you will be making a claim for injury against the other driver, you will have to write to the insurer and ask if they are the insurer. if they ar enot, then your next port of call is MIBI.

Are you insured? as if you are not insured, then you have NO claim against another uninsured driver!
Do you have a broker? Ask them for advice!

If not ask your insurance company.

Should be all part of the service.