Mother and child lamp repair/rewiring

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Registered User
Hope I'm posting this in the right section. Please move if not.

I've a mother and child lamp which I got in 07 and some months ago it stopped working. I had turned it off the night before and when I turned it on the next night it wouldn't work.

First reaction was that it blew a fuse, so I changed that but it still didn't work except I did feel a bit of heat coming from the plug with one fuse but since then nada.

Next changed the bulbs carefully, but no nothing again.

I've checked the wiring and while some of it is slightly bent/worn but that's as far as I can be sure happened since I unplugged it - the lamp is behind a sofa but there's nothing that could that I'm aware of having damaged it - at least overnight.
I also checked the socket and other electricial items run ok from the same socket.

I'm wondering could a power surge have occured and blew the wiring?
The reason why I ask this is this is that on my return home from work the night I discovered it not working, I also found my tv on. Now it's on a different socket on opposit side of the room but on the same circuit and I normally switch off at mains socket when leaving apt in the morning to cut down on electricity usage as there is no proper off button, just standby. Now it could be a coincidence or just my own mistake in not turning the tv off as normal but it is a tad odd the both happened the same night.

I suspect the lamp now needs rewiring. I am going to arrange to bring it to the lighting shop where it was bought but I've no receipt for it - it was bought for me by a sibling and the receipt is well gone at this stage. It wasn't cheap by any standards either.

Anyone got suggestions on a) possible problem and b) where preferably on Dublin northside where can be repaired/rewired if the vendor shop is unable to fix it and c) possible costs of repair.

Funds are limited with regards to repair.

Thanks in advance for any assistance as I miss having a working lamp especially for reading purposes.
Found out it was a loose wire connection thankfully - if it had been the dimmer switches could have set me back 70 or so euro. Lighting shop fixed it in no time and best of all F.O.C.

Am closing thread as meaningless to keep open when it's resolved.
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