Most Famous Irish person


Registered User
Following a discussion from another forum (mostly for degenerates & social misfits! - no, not ;)) I was wondering who people think could be considered the most famous Irish person worldwide (dead or alive)

I reckon Bono
I was on a remote island in the Indian Ocean about 6 years ago and I was picked up by a local in a van at the airport. He had limited English and I couldn't speak his dialect and he was trying to ask where I was from.
He was asking if I was American (by saying President Clinton) or English (by saying Bobby Charlton) and I said Irish (by saying, Guinness, Shamrocks, Bob Geldof and even IRA which in hindsight was probably a bad idea!!) but he did not understand.
Eventually, I said U2 and I got a quizical look but when I said BONO he smiled and said "Ah.. Green country" and started humming what sounded to me like Irish music.