most annoying ad on tv?

I think that is a brilliant one. Not too sure what it is advertising but I think it is some kind of indigestion preventitives.
I am amazed at how many people can't remember the product that is advertised in some of the adverts mentioned above. The advertising companies must be doing something wrong!
I HATE with a passion the "Shiela's Wheels" adds at the moment and last night as they were sponsering "CSI" on living TV their adds were played at the beginning and end of every add break which was causing my blood pressure to rise I am sure!

Hate all those DFS sofa adds as they seem to have a constant sale on so does anyone ever pay full-price for them?
Lucozade ad drives me spare! Bring back the old Daley Thompson lucozade ad with Iron Maiden playing in the background!
There's an add on just before the 9 o'clock news every Friday night on RTE1....staring some plonker..oh what's his name...advertising the crappy show coming on just after the news....oh dear oh dear what's his name again.....
fortunately they are good ads but those heineken ads where they smuggle half a dozen bottles into cuba or 2 barrels into a village and every goes mad. anyone remember the one where the guy at the bar is sitting with a good looking bird and a stunner enters the bar and comes sidling over and he grabs somebody elses drink and puts in front of himself and the bird sidling over pours it over him, and he just gives a silly smile cause he has saved his real drink. cant recall what the drink advertised was though.
Best one on at the moment, for me anyway, is the Tennents Voodoo beer ad where a woman creates an impromptu voodoo doll out of a beer can. She watches her boyfriend with his new girl and stabs the can to no avail. Instead it's the Tennent's drinkers who suffer for his actions.

I put a Spell on You by Screamin' Jay Hawkins is brilliant!
..and of can we all forget the "el supremo crappy add campaign' of the them all...worse than all of the above combined.... are the adds for the TV License's .... you know how embarrassing it is to get caught..

I like the adds at the moment though for some fruit juice... 'it's a natual thing' campaign..can't remember who they are for though.

I find the ESB ads annoying on the basis of there being no competition. Why are they spending money on ads?
Seagull said:
I find the ESB ads annoying on the basis of there being no competition. Why are they spending money on ads?

I'm guessing it was ESB Customer Supply that were advertising. They do have competition. Airtricity, CHPower, and a few others that I don't remember.

But I do get your point a little. Like the Irish Rail adverts. They've been slated here a fair bit before. Trying to get credit for upgrading their networks that they'd neglected for years.... big deal!!!
Anything by Coke at Christmas!!!!
"Hoilidays are comin,
Holidays are comin,"
- Cue fleet of coke trucks coming round the corner, and a wide-eyed kid with Grandad.

Makes me want to barf...
The An Post ad with Aled Jones singing, whilst it doesn't annoy me, it sure does make me feel old...daithi
daveco23 said:
Anything by Coke at Christmas!!!!
"Hoilidays are comin,
Holidays are comin,"
- Cue fleet of coke trucks coming round the corner, and a wide-eyed kid with Grandad.

Makes me want to barf...

Did anyone see the Budweiser Christmas one? "Wishing you, and yours the very best, this holiday season" - I hate that phrase... it's too American.
Why cant all ads be like the great fosters ad where the bloke has the cold fosters and the blonde inadvertently is used to keep the beer in the shade?
CGorman said:
"Wishing you, and yours the very best, this holiday season" - I hate that phrase... it's too American.

"Hoilidays are comin,
Holidays are comin,"

They annoy the hell out of me too. The PC brigade are afraid that the word Christmas may offend people from other religions or who have different beliefs. We are celebrating the birth of This post will be deleted if not edited immediately Christ and if you don't like it, thats tough, we are not asking you to celebrate it. You are free to celebrate whatever religious leader you like, whenever you like, in whatever way you like and I will respect your right to do so.

I see very few commercials on tv because I use the 'off' button vigourously and regularly.
But very quickly this year's Marks & Spencer Christmas ad using There's No Business Like Show Business" managed to grate very very quickly.

On radio, I love the Barry's Tea advert which has been used for a couple of years at this time of year. It's the one using the older man voiceover reminising about getting a train set from Santa one Christmas. Some might think it sentimental but for me, I think the script, acting and tone are spot on. I'm not old nor have I ever owned a train set but the ad really strikes a chord with me. I love it.