most annoying ad on tv?

Who remembers the good old "Shake and Vac" add??

All together now everyone
"Do the shake and vac
And put the freshness back
Do the shake and vac
And put the freshness back.
When your carpets smell nice
Your room does too
Every time you vacumm
You know what to do
Do the shake and vac
And put the freshness back"

Now to tune into the Harry Norman add to get the shake and vac song out of my head!!

that ad on tv where the kid goes for sweets? in the supermarket, when the mum throws him a look, she then rolls around on the floor before the kid can. My wife loves the ad, so when our 2 yr old was about to have a similar fit in our sitting room, I tried this reverse psychology fit but it didnt work. Our child still bawled her head off. Mrs Car wasnt impressed as she knew I was taking the piss. Really hate the ad.
dont know what its for either now that I think about it.
That ad is for some cold remedy or something - don't know the brand. I love that ad
The ad from the radio about some nightclub where "the craic is mighty".

I'd love to know what gimp thought up that advert.

Yep, definitely gets my number one vote too .
I thought the librarian kit kat ad was reasonably good.
Generic dislikes are all the consolidated loans. They are all annoying, and go on for far too long. The insurance ads with Michael Winner were also irritating, although I haven't seen one of those in a while.
The ad I've enjoyed recently is the guiness one going back through evolution.
Seagull said:
The ad I've enjoyed recently is the guiness one going back through evolution.

I know its a bit sad talking about good adverts, but that Sony ad with all the ping-pong balls rolling down hills in San Francisco is brilliant.
That stupid radio ad with some couple discussing investment apartments!

Look at these!
But they're apartments. You're not moving out!
Am I?

Shut up ya paranoid insecure cow. What's the term for that naff soft suburbia Dublin accent they always use in ads.

I press the mute button when the ads come on TV I just don't see why I should listen to that drivel.
Or the stain removal one where there was a carpet spillage and your woman put the emergency flashing light on her head while she attended to it!

Any ad which says "Mum knows... <insert supposed Mum specific sapience here>".
Car, gave me a good laugh picturing you rolling around having a fit. Haven't tried it ( no kids) but i did think the reverse psychology thing can be used with friends, partners etc. i really enjoy that advert especially the kid's face. The ad that really gets my goat is one about consolidated loans with the prat on the phone saying 'O, that one less job for her' when asking about the loan. can't remember which one it is.
Like the Miller add...really good.....yer man setting off on his bike down the hill to get a six pack & continuing downhill all the way home...clever.

...yep the sony bravia add is pretty good also....

...on annoyances... the direct line insurance adds with the red telephone & some annoying car horn type jingle.

.. the HP add with your man making multiple copies of his face is also a clever idea but the music is offputting

On radio adds...the really annoying ones are
1. ANY add with an upperlass english accent
2. The Toshiba add ...where there is a take off of that song in the charts in the 80's "Hello John gott new motar" ...... now being run as "Hello Tosh...." ...pure ****e
3. The add for some financial service where yer one at the end of the add fast talks the small print in an irritating tone whilst talking through here nose......something like "AIB is a mortage intermediary..regulated by the Irish Financial regulator...blah blah:

Then there's "Irish Psychics Live" and "7th Sense Psychics Line"

- very irritating ads and should be banned for taking advantage of vulnerable people.
delgirl said:
taking advantage of vulnerable people what advertising is all about. You don't have to believe in psychics to be manipulated by the (&#039;hidden persuaders&#039;)...
delgirl said:
Then there's "Irish Psychics Live" and "7th Sense Psychics Line"

- very irritating ads and should be banned for taking advantage of vulnerable people.
Check out Pat Kenny's radio show from last Friday on the RTE website to hear Pat taking apart the owner of Irish Psychics Live following some 'consumer testing' of their services.
There are so many its hard to pick one....

The one for one of the chat lines..."she's waiting to take your call right now" which features "two" models....a brunette and a blonde...except the "blonde" is the brunette in a BAD'd think at €1 a minute they could at least hire two models ...absolute crap music too.

Any of those ocean finance etc ads...all the happy campers sitting in their living rooms singing the praises of the companies they are allowing to charge them crazy interest rates
More on this issue on the .

Update: the psychics issue that is not the leggy blondes!
Diddles said:
I think it may be on radio but that HARVEY NORMAN has a lot to answer for.
Go Harvey go.

I agree fully! I can't stand the Harvey Norman ad's on the radio.

However I love the Lucozade ad with the zombies! Its actually my favorite ad at the moment! (Its a youth thing maybe ). Interestingly this ad has been banned before 9pm in Ireland because "children...could easily be frightened by it".

I must say congratulations to all the above mention advertisers - they appear to have been the most effective at getting noticed... whether it's for the right reasons or not is a different story!
CGorman said:
However I love the Lucozade ad with the zombies! Its actually my favorite ad at the moment! (Its a youth thing maybe ). Interestingly this ad has been banned before 9pm in Ireland because "children...could easily be frightened by it".
Yes - it must be a youth thing. I complained to the ASAI about it (as, it seems, did several others) and they rejected the complaint. However the Broadcasting Complaints Commission took a different line and insisted on it only being shown after the watershed.
For better or for worse, my own 7-/10-/11-year-olds think it's great craic. They roar laughing when your man's eyeballs fall out...

'De-sensitised', or what? (and that's not a rhetorical question...)