most annoying ad on tv?


Registered User
The stupid lap dance meteor one or the most annoying big 6 with it's alarm bell sound? Any other ones you can think of please add.
ajapale said:
The Zombie ad for some kind of soft drink (I cant recall the product)
It's 7UP and I think it's very creative!

Shouldn't this be in LOS?
Hi delgirl,

Obviously you form part of the target demographic. I find it irritiating and slightly offensive.

Most annoying one on the radio is "Mum - my socks don't match" ... "THEY. DON'T. MATCH!"

Bloody brat. <SLAP!>

really effective advertising though that zombie add...
- ajapale does not know what product its for
- delgirl thinks it is 7up

....its actually for Lucozade ...really annoying

most annoying add..Artic Spa's
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There are so many to choose from but I'd have to say for me the most annoying ads are any which are originally in English but then dubbed into Irish voices - so that we have "local" accents I assume.

All the "3" ads also would put me off ever using their product. And I was glad I'd decided months ago not to go to McDonalds again when I saw their "posh" reaction ads to the pitta whatever it is.
ninsaga said:
really effective advertising though that zombie add...
- ajapale does not know what product its for
- delgirl thinks it is 7up

....its actually for Lucozade ...really annoying

most annoying add..Artic Spa's
Jeez you're right ninsaga, I've been too busy singing along to notice the product!

Can't stand the Daz ads - puts me right off buying their product.
I think it may be on radio but that HARVEY NORMAN has a lot to answer for.
Go Harvey go.Take youre own advise and PLEASE do

Also if that fella from Artic Spa's is ever found drowned in one-IT WAS ME

Another radio one - "I need fast fit service. Come on. Quick. Quick!".


"We got it!"...

BANG! Thud!

What does it say about the power of advertising when I'm sitting here trying to remember some tv add's ..good or bad...and I can't remember anything really really worthwhile...maybe its just me!

Anyhow on the annoying tv add's .....

- Shiela's wheels
- any fecking add regarding loan companies...Ocean Finance,, these typical "I can't believe its another loan' type adds...the 'have you a bad credit history.... been refused by even the local loan shark....'
Deirdre O'Kane's Bagel factory add makes me mute the radio. It’s meant to be an advert/stand up routine............

Deirdre, you should be off the artistic roll call for that!!!
The only ad that I've ever changed channel to avoid is the Kentucky Fried Chicken one where the 'ladies' speak with their mouths full!!!

Absolutely disgusting!

Aero brought a similar one out recently - it's not quite as bad, but is still quite gross.
Wiggles said:
Deirdre O'Kane's Bagel factory add makes me mute the radio. It’s meant to be an advert/stand up routine............

Deirdre, you should be off the artistic roll call for that!!!
Yes - I was surprised to hear recently that she is supposed to be a comedian (comedienne?).
How about that furniture advert where there is some ponsy guy called Neville something or other. I think the furniture shop is in Navan.
Or Linda Martin with the Moneypenny ad. It sounds like the answer to everything.
Most annoying advert has to be Kit Kat, where they start shouting and banging everything in the library canteen.

What really gets up my goat is that we actually pay for this garbage in the price of the product. Best option is to boycott the product, provided the "smart marketinf dept" doesn't respond by doubling the advertising budget to increase sales!