Mossy roof - solution sought


Registered User
The north side of our roof is covered with moss and the thought that it might be doing damage keeps awake at night (ok - only the odd time).

Does anyone know:
- is moss/lichens/etc bad for a roof?
- if so, what is the best way of removing it?
- any recommendations for good people for the job?

I'm afraid my opinion of roofers generally low, so I'm afraid that if I invite someone to look at it, I'll end up being told I need a big job done, when that might not be necessary. Also, that someone might stick their foot through the roof by accident!

Great product called Mosgo, you buy it in a bottle, dilute the solution, and soak it through the moss.

Perfect if you can get on the roof yourself and do all of this. After a few days, it would need to be swept off, so two trips up needed.
Or pin a strip of copper wire across the ridge. The copper sulfate (a fungaside) will do the trick. Unless you live in a dry part of Ireland.:rolleyes:
Thanks for those suggestions. I'll try to do something about it once I summon up the nerve to get up there and when the weather improves.
My parents neighbours (in the west where moss grows like mad); had a company power wash the entire roof. Got rid of all the moss really well.
A messy job, but the company cleaned up drive, walls etc afterwards.
there is this chemical called chloros which is great gear, very toxic though! But it really works on everything from driveways to wood. I know fishermen who use it on the hull of their trawlers to get rid of algae!
I've used Chloras in powerwashing the walls of my house but found that the powerwasher did as well on its own. What I did do was used a soft brush to 'wash' the walls with it to discourage algae growth.
My apologies, chloros should be left on affected area for a few minutes before washing off