Moss Keane. RIP

Totally agreed, read his autobiography a few years ago, great read and a great character.

Heard this news earlier today.

When I got into rugby, Moss was a giant of the game. I remember seeing him training with Ireland at Castle Avenue and being awe of seeing him up close and getting his autograph. In 1991, I was lucky enough to enjoy his company over a few pints after an RWC game in Lansdowne Road.

A couple of years after that, I happened to be in the same water park as him in the Canaries. The man who faced down the haka and overcame the All Blacks had to be pushed and pulled onto a water slide by his kids ;) !

The term legend is overused, but not for Moss Keane.
My lasting memory of Moss Keane was seeing him in Delaney's pub in Firhouse having a couple of pints in the late eighties.

We left about the same time, and I saw him getting into his car- a Mini. He looked as if he filled the whole car with his ample bulk!

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Actually what I heard was that he removed the front seat and actually sat in the back driving. Legend
Moss Keane,RIP

The best Moss Keane story I heard-When in tour in Oz,some smartarse sheila asked him if everything was in proportion, to which he's supposed to have replied "Oh god no,sure if it was i'd be eight foot two..."

Pure class

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