Moss in my Lawn


Registered User
While mowing my lawn last weekend, I noticed a considerable amount of moss in the grass, has anybody got any suggestions on how to remove the moss.

Sulphate of Iron.

Mix in either watering can or sprayer, spray, watch the moss die before your eyes, but then be prepared to either rake or scarify the lawn, fertilise and watch it green before your eyes!

Tis hard hard work though.
Where would you buy sulphate of iron?Does it come under a brand name?
Just ask for sulphate of iron at any hardware store or garden centre. I just mix it with sand and spread it on infrected area. It will turn black in a few days and will look ugly. I do not bother raking it (too much bother) just let it die. It will look good in about 2 weeks
There are some mentions of sulphate of iron on previous threads.

You may also get some advice on [broken link removed] if you want to post your question there also.

P.S. When you have it sorted will you come over and get rid of our moss also
One of the main causes of moss in lawns is cutting the grass too short; if this is the case with your lawn, then treat the lawn as described above but also reduce the depth of cut.

Good luck.