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Just back from 2 weeks in Cote d'azur and it was my first time on holidays that I had a serious problem with mosquito bites.
On our first night alone I counted over 40 different bites from arms to legs to shoulders.....the rest of my family didn't get 1 bite between them.

Ok, I asked for it as I didn't have any mosquito spray or bands on, but are they particularly choosey over one type of blood over another? Anyone know?

For the rest of the 2 weeks I managed to not get bitten until my last night and then it seemed like the mother of all mossies got me right on the leg. It swelled up like a balloon and seemed to flare up every single other bite that I got 13 days earlier that had died down since. Back 2 days now and they have started to ease off, but just wondering about other peoples experiences when abroad with mosquitos....
You must have sweet blood!
Apparently your attractiveness level doesn't have anything to do with your actual blood type though, just your genetic make up. Here's an article
Whatever about the science, there is always one person in a group that the Mozzies flock to (which I suppose, is actually because of the science, if you think about it).
You better DEET up the next time, as you seem to be that person!
Try some anti-histamines to get down that last bite because from experience, if you scratch at all, everything will start to swell up again.
Hope you had a good holiday otherwise?