Mortgage TRS - how much will I get


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I took out a mortgage earlier this year - loan was drawn down in early August, first payment due end of September but wasn't taken from my account until early October.

TRS has still not been sorted out - bank said it will take another month but it will be backdated ie the amount I would have got for the 4 months (Sept to Dec) will be split evenly between say Nov and Dec.

Its a joint mortage - 2 FTB's - my question is will we get the full €166 per month each for this (I know this amount is gone) or because we might not pay the full €10K intereset this year, will we only get the 20% of whatever interest we pay?

Likewise, next year, do we need to have paid €20K interest (10K each) to get the full amount back?

Yes, you need to pay 20k in interest to get the full amount in any year.

Karl Jeacle's mortgage calculator is a very good tool for finding out how much interest you pay per year. You can then calculate TRS from that (current rate is 20% of interest paid, new rate is 25% though I'm not sure if this applies for mortgages already drawn down)