Mortgage Top-Up Query on Self Build


Registered User
Hi Everyone,

Im almost finished a self build but I will be short approx 12K because I went for slates instead of tiles and insulated the house within a inch of its life.

I'm wondering what are the costs involved with a top-up application, legal fees, does the house have to be re-valued again and are there any penalties ?

My provider is KBC btw

They might possibly do it as an unsecured loan which wouldn't involve legals but it's probably more likely that your solicitor will need to be involved. KBC seem to be skint at the moment though, I recently looked for a mortgage of 50k on a house worth 375k with a 3 year rental agreement in force but they came back with some ridiculous excuse why they couldn't do it. Tough times! I'm sure things aren't so bad that they can't stretch to 12k for you.
Thanks for the reply siveir

I have an appointment with the mortgage broker on Monday so I will let you know how I get on

I know KBC have reduced their maximum loan to value ratio to 80%

so hope this doesnt affect you.