i have a mortgage with UB which is almost a year old. this is a variable rate mortgage. to date i have received no notices from the bank informing me of any interest rate increase to the account (there has been about 6) - something which they promised to do in my mortgage offer. i have also never received a statement to date from the bank. i callled the bank a month and half ago and they said the address they held for me didnt include the full description, i.e. they didnt have the street address in my estate, but the letters had been going out anyway. on a different level this is a bit worrying as someone else may be getting the letters and this is sensitive info!! anyway, when i called the bank that time they said i had to write to them confirming my address. sent them a registered letter. to date i have still received nothing. i called them yesterday and they said someting about getting on to the customer services, blah, blah, blah. sounds like bull to me. i am starting to get annoyed with them at this stage. the interest rate has changed from 3.9 to 5.49% and they never told me, although i admit it is always on the news when ot happens. has anyone any suggestions as to what i should do with the bank?