Mortgage redeemed, what happens if overpaid?


Registered User
What happens in the following situation?
Mortgage redemption figure = 150500
Montly direct debit = 500
Mortgage redeemed on same day as direct debit taken out, for sum of 150500. Direct debit for monthly repayment goes ahead for sum of 500.
Therefore overpayment of 500?
Does this get refunded to customer or does it have to be chased up?
Am I making sense?

Thanks in advance for any information.
You should get a refund of the €500 overpaid. You may need to chase it up with the lender.
I don't think it will be automatically refunded. You will need to contact your lender.
Happened to me a few months ago. By the time I noticed, the money had been transferred to my current account at the same time as the mortgage account was closed. Probably depends on the lender, so best chase it up.
This happened to me twice before when clearing personal loans. I think it took a week or so, but the money was refunded back to my current account once the bank realised the loan balance was zero. I imagine the same will happen with the mortgage overpayment. If they haven't refunded in a week I would then chase them up.