Mortgage question

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I approached banks directly 2 years ago to organise a self build mortgage but didnt proceed in the end. Im now purchasing a house and decided to give the broker route go as I dont have as much time as I did.

Im looking to get 300K and will have a LTV of 80%. The broker has offered me two 'best' options

AIB at a rate of 5.15% APR of 5.26%
BOI at a rate of 5.15% APR of 5.30%

First question is, he says to ignore the APR as this is the worst case scenario if I ask for extra mortgage statements etc. I always believed APR was the true cost of the mortgage??

MY research seems to be giving me

EBS at a rate of 5.05% and APR of 5.30%
NIB rate of 4.99% and APR of 5.12%

All things being equal the best deal would seem to be NIB, thats if they'll give me 35 year term (we are both 29). Anyone have a view on the above or experience with NIB
With NIB's "LTV" mortgage you would get 4.8% tracker at the moment with an LTV of 80%.(If they accept you).
Because of slight variations in the way APR is calculated - I prefer to compare the actual rate not the APR.
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