Mortgage Providers



I am a college student, and I have to do a 5000 word essay on Sources of Competitive Advantage in the Financial Services Sector - Mortgages in Ireland.

I am enquiring to know:
Who are the key providers of Mortgages in Ireland at present? What is their competitive advantage over their rivals?
Buy tomorrow's Irish Times and check the back of the property supplement to answer your first question. If you read some of the posts in this forum you will a get some input into your second question. Good luck.
Re: Mortgage Market Share

How can I find out about how much of the market share of mortgages does a provider such as the First Active, BOI, Permament tsb, AIB etc hold..
Re: Mortgage Market Share

I don't know of any independent source for this information. Some individual lenders state what they claim to have in market share in case that's of any use. Try for this sort of info.
Re: Mortgage Market Share

What is the difference between a mortgage broker, a mortgage lender and mortgage intermediary?
Re: Mortgage Market Share

A mortgage lender is a bank or building society, a mortgage broker/intermediary is a company or individual that has agencies with a number of lenders and advises clients on the best lender for their circumstances; they do not lend the money themselves but act on behalf of the lender.

Focus or Niche strategy - Mortgage Market

Is there any particular broker that provides for a a narrow, defined segment of a market, for a particular group of people or professionals??
Re: Focus or Niche strategy - Mortgage Market

There are lots of brokers around and I presume that some of these may specialise in certain niches or specifically target certain customers.

Have you done any research of your own on this project to date?
Re: Focus or Niche strategy - Mortgage Market

I have researched the sources and strategies to achieve competitive advantage in an industry. What i now need to to is apply these strategies to the mortgage market in Ireland.