Mortgage Protection with Broker

Nikki N

Registered User
Hi All, I have just bought a house and used a broker to organise mortgage which is with Permanent TSB. We are now due to discuss taking out mortgage protection with our broker - my question is this, if we think their price is too high and can get better offer elsewhere do we have to take the broker's insurance since they set up the mortgage offer for us? We haven't paid them any fees and were told that they would be getting commission from the bank on our mortgage and that we wouldn't owe them anything. Any info appreciated. Thanks.
if they're going through irish life or new ireland, tell them you want them to price match their nearest competitor. if the brokers asked them to do up an advisor plus/best advice,they'll be able to see who the cheapest is. are offering to pay half the years premium, you'd want to check what your premium will be once the year is up but if you're just taking out basic mortgage protection, theres nothing to stop you changing after the year.
You're entirely free to take out your life assurance and indeed property insurance wherever you like. Your broker will get paid for the mortgage.

Another good place to look is
do your own research, if you don't think the broker is going to get you the best deal then the most effective defense is to do your own homework.