Mortgage protection:smoker?



Am looking around for quotes for mortgage protection. I smoke, only about 2-5/day never the less i still smoke. My question is will this make a huge difference regarding the premium? Also if i technically give up today (;) ) but take it back up next year will this affect the policy years down the line if *touch wood* anything should happen healthwise related to smoking?
when we got our policy I had just given up. It doesn't matter, you have to be off them a year - thats what my application stated anyway. Being honest I put down I was a smoker - but that I had given up and that I smoked only 20 a week, which was true.

I don't think they categorise the type of smoker.. if you smoke you smoke. full stop.

I am now off them, and we renewed our policy (as it had lapsed!!!!) - and Im down as a non smoker.

We haven't got the final cost for the premium yet (its with the underwriter).

I don't know how MUCH it will change the premium... If its a big difference I'll keep you posted.
Why don't you just check on an online quote website like - it depends on age as well. When I was with my ex, he was smoker and our mortgage protection was about 20euros more per month because of that. We were both in early 20's though so it might make a difference if you're older. have a really fast quote model for life assurance. You just need to put in your age and whether you smoke.

All insurance forms are based on the proposer being entirely upfront. Personally I wouldn't take a chance on messing around with something like this.
You have to be off all forms of tobacco for a minimum of twelve months to be considered a non-smoker for life assurance.

The older you get, the wider the gap between somer and non-smoker rates.

There are several ways a life assurance company can find out if a person is a smoker even though they claim not to be - it's a false economy trying to spoof.

Liam D. Ferguson
It does affect ur premium a bit but you are better off to put in that u are a smoker. Heard a story from my own insurance guy that a man had non smoker on his premium when he was. He died years later and the insurance company would not pay the remainder of the mortgage for his wife as they had been notified by his doctor of a smoking related illness he'd had years before. Therefore he had technically lied on his premium and the insurance company would not hold true on his policy! Think its worth the extra few bob in the long run as God forbid you leave a spouse and children behind with maybe no way to cover the repayments.
If you smoke at all you're classified as a smoker. Failing to say you are a smoker is non disclosure and invalidates your policy. If you successfully quit and are off cigs./tobacco for twelve months you can then notify your life company who may request you to undergo a saliva swab test. You will then be eligible for non smoking rates.