mortgage protection query



hi all out there, what a fantastic site i hope someone can answer my query

myself and my husband are remortgaging and are currently waiting on our mortgage protection, on the questionnaire we listed back problems which we had a couple of years ago . both of us were treated and have not suffered with these (very different ) problems since. our question is: will this affect or delay us in getting mortgage protection? we hope to sign very soon
If your Mortgage Protection applications were for life assurance alone and the back problems were relatively minor, they should cause no complications as back problems are rarely life-threatening.

The life assurance company may want to write to your G.P. to get reports. You can speed this process by contacting your G.P. and asking him/her to complete and return the reports rapidly.
LDFerguson, thank you for replying to our query, on the fast track forms we filled in as much information as we could. it was a couple of years ago, but i didn't attend my own GP i went through a & e, would this cause difficulities?
LDFerguson, thank you for replying to our query, on the fast track forms we filled in as much information as we could. it was a couple of years ago, but i didn't attend my own GP i went through a & e, would this cause difficulities?

Only if the life assurance company considers that the back problem warrants further investigation. If they do, they'd want to see a report from the attending doctor. Usually you get asked in A&E who your GP is and the hospital will report back to the GP. So you may find that your GP does have a record of this after all.

Incidentally, the timing of your first post suggests that you signed up for the life assurance on Wednesday or before. You mention fast-track applications - do you mean an online system of some sort? If so, it would be reasonable for you to enquire on Friday what the progress of your application is and what the requirements (if any) of the life assurance company are.
Hi LDFerguson thanks for your previous advice maybe you can help us with this one! like i said we are remortgaging but after watching ALL the news last night i'm now worrying about the credit crunch on the markets, as the central banks have pumped money into the markets how much will that effect the ordinary joe soap? i really don't want to get in over our heads, our new repayments are bigger but managable, and the new interest rate we've been offered is lower than what we have at the moment but is it now likely to go through the roof? i don't want to be sitting looking at a new kitchen in 6 months and not be able to fill the cupboards, should we hold off on getting this remortgage or plough ahead with it? thanks again for all of your help.
You should re-mortgage to get a better interest rate. If you're borrowing extra and are worried about the possibility of future interest rate hikes, you shouldn't borrow extra.

See also this thread.