Mortgage Protection loaded


Registered User
I've had an application for mortgage protection loaded with an extra €150 because of my father's medical history- a bypass 30 years ago and stents put in 2 years ago.

I know heart disease can be hereditary and they're just covering themselves, but I'm a healthy 33 year old male, non smoker and live my life completely the opposite to my father but they dont seem to take this into consideration.

Surely they should at least send me for a medical- this practice seems very unfair
Shop around, not all insurance companies have the same underwriting policies. I was loaded with one company due to history of cancer in family but another company did not load at all. Make sure to declare on applications that you have been loaded on previous application otherwise its non-disclosure. Unlikely but are you sure doctor filled right patient details, my father and brother have same name, same doctor, brother applies for life cover, doctor fills form based on fathers medical history, brother refused! Only came to light when he queried it and was told it was because of his bypass surgery!!!
This certainly sounds like a mistake as I've never come across a life assurance application which has been loaded just because of one relative's health.
I've been using brokers on the net- so you reckon I should ring around myself Kerryg
Have had a different doctor than my dad for the last ten years so no mix up- do they even get in touch with mine?
I would be inclined to go to a broker and speak to a real person! A broker who deals with several insurance companies should be able to ring them up and check their policy on a family history like this. Ask what companies they have tried and if there is any missing get the golden pages and try them yourself. Sometimes they check with your doctor by sending out a form for them to complete but I imagine they would let you know, I know the company I used did anyway. The problem from the insurance company's point of view I would imagine is that if your father needed a bypass at a young age it might indicate an underlying problem as opposed to a lifetime of not eating right, excercising etc, this doesnt mean it is necessarily hereditary, but insurance companies take no chances as we all know.