Mortgage protection Cover


Registered User
Hello all,
I have staff mortgage with my Co but I am being made redundant them next month. Therefore I will need new cover for mortgage. I can take the ones they use but will only cover til I am 65 and My mortgage is till I am 67. Can anyone recommend who I should go with or how I find out different quotes etc?
Thanks :)
ah ye I know I cant get anything like that i.e. to pay it just want to be covered incase anything happened like death etc but when I get a new job can I then get the payment protection
For quotes, simply ring the various different Life Assurance companies. New Ireland/Canada Life/irish Life etc.
when we needed to get MP i shopped around and at the time monitum were the best price.

Nearly all of the companies gave a great discount for year one, so that was the only place we could save. we took a policy through monitum (Nick Mcgrane ) with Caledonian.

absolutely no connection to either, just found them best value at the time. ;)