Mortgage protection cover for Type 1 Diabetics


Registered User
As part of my financial review I am looking at getting a more competitive quote for our mort. protection insurance. The thing is, there seems to be only one company providing cover (that I know of) for Type 1 diabetics (ERM) so they can charge more or less what they like!
Anyone know of other companies?
I got it from hibernian about 5 years ago , took a few weeks as my doctor away on holidays for medical report abut no major problems - about double the cost of a non type 1 diabetic - best of luck
Most insurance companies I have ever come across insist on medical reports from doctors and usually follow up with a high premium

I have never been refused though..
you may be better off seeing a broker who would be able to place a proposal with a few insurance companies to get the best price for you
As part of my financial review I am looking at getting a more competitive quote for our mort. protection insurance. The thing is, there seems to be only one company providing cover (that I know of) for Type 1 diabetics (ERM) so they can charge more or less what they like!
Anyone know of other companies?

ERM are a broker, not an insurance company so they don't determine what rates apply.
The Diabetic assoc. told me ERM are the only ones who do Type 1 diabetics. Its 5 years since we took out our policy, I had forgotten that they were a broker. ...could they do a new policy for me now if they find a more competitive one? Or would it be worth contacting companies direct myself as I assume ERM get a cut, being a broker?
I have diabetes for 21 years but it is well controlled with no complications.
Unfortunately I feel that the Association have too cosy a relationship with ERM. If you have the time you will get a decent quote by contacting the assurance companies yourself.
Unfortunately I feel that the Association have too cosy a relationship with ERM. If you have the time you will get a decent quote by contacting the assurance companies yourself.

When I moved to this country I contacted them to get advice as to GPs with diabetic experience to which I got shrugging of shoulders.
Other diabetics have stated that they have insurance elsewhere so its up to you as to which advise you intend to take!
Yes, I was thinking that couldn't be right, but the assoc. told me that no they didn't know of anyone else doing it. I will try around, definetly worth a try. I was just under the impression no-one else would insure me!:(
I went through ERM for my insurance - the policy is with Caledonian. I also got some quotes seperately myself and the one via ERM was the cheapest. No company refused me though, they just had varying degrees of loading.

The issue of the loading really irriates me. All the insurance companies wanted a medical report from my GP (who i have only seen once since i was diagnosed with diabetes) rather than from my consultant who i see every 6 months. My consultant says he comes across this a lot. If he was asked he would recommend that i am not loaded as my diabetes is well controlled and so he does not believe i am any higher risk than anyone else. If anything because i get so many checkups i'm probably in better health! Insurance companies don't like hearing this so refuse to go to consultants for the medical reports.