mortgage payment protection


Registered User
We have mortgage payment protection for the last three years with aib and we have 50% each. If we want to transfer my 50% over to my partner, does anyone know if there is a waiting period before this can be claimed against?
I stand to be corrected but I dont think you can make any amendments to this type of cover. You should have opted for the cover just for 1 of you only in the beginning.
Do you mind me asking why you want 100% cover on your partner and none for yourself. Is it possible you were mis sold this product as it has happened in the past.
Eventually got a reply from aib. It seems that once the policy has been set it cannot be changed. We had decided on the 50/50 split ourselves at the time, it seem the most practical.

We did have a claim lasting 60 days back in feb/mar 07 due to illness (him - cut tendon in finger, cooking accident!) so that seems to rule us out for transferring to a new policy with someone else and not having waiting period.