Mortgage payment holiday



Hi There,

I have just finished paying the first year of my mortgage with EBS. But I was out of work for a while Nov- June and returned to a job that paid far less than my previous job but at least I was working. And I managed, just! That contract finished and I have not been working again for 4 weeks, and JB still hasn't come through. I have been offered a new job much better pay but this change means I will be one month salary in arrears.
I was struggling enough to make sure everything got paid and my overdraft is well used up at this point as I'm still waiting for JB
Is it possible to get a mortgage payment holiday for 2-3 months just to get my finances sorted out and I catch up with myself?
How do you go about it? and what are the real possibilities of them saying yes
Payment holidays are at the discretion of the lender, but my experience over the past twelve months is that most lenders are willing to accomodate requests when the account has been maintained well (paid on time) to date.

Contact them and let them know the circumstances.
Contact EBS Direct if they are unable to give you a payment holiday they will normally accomodate you with Interest Only...

To calculate interest only

Balance of Mortgage X ( multiply ) by Rate ( use % button) then divide by 12 months to get the monthly figure

for example €200,000 x 4.25% divide by 12. e quals monthly figure

Good Luck