Mortgage on a renovation job


Registered User
Hi everyone. I would very much appreciate some advice please. I have a househunting budget of 240K, 120K of which is cash (some gift, some savings). I have been approved in principal for the other 120K. I am on a salary of 32K, and have one dependent. I pay 600 in rent every month, and save 330 every month also. My partner is in the picture, but I am applying on my own for now as it is simpler and we are happy to get a small mortgage rather than apply together for more money (we'd rather the wiggle room of a smaller mortgage than a larger one). I have spotted a house that I think I can secure for 120K (possible less, but let's just use this figure for argument's sake). However, it is a total renovation job. I am not sure yet what it would cost to do it up (again, for argument's sake, let's say 80 to 100K). Would I be lent that amount on a renovation job, given the fact that I will be putting 120k of my own cash in to it?