Mortgage Offer! Photo identification x 2 Help!


Registered User
Hi Guys,
I received a Mortgage offer from EBS. In their terms and conditions they state that they need two forms of photo identification. I have a passport and nothing else with my photo on it. I dont drive so I dont have a driving licence. Has anyone experienced this? Where would I get another form of Photo identification that the bank would accept?
Thanks in advance.
Just ring EBS and ask tell them your situation and ask is passport enough or what else can you do - Garda Age card?
Two photo ID's seem a bit much, normally its two forms of ID, one with a photo. Passport and Utility bill should be sufficient.
This happened to us also. All we had to do was to bring our passports to our local Garda Station and get them to confirm our identity. They then signed and stamped a colour photocopy of our passports (which we brought with us) and this was submitted with the rest of our application documents. Our mortgage provider was happy with this.
No I havnt got a work ID.
Ive rang EBS and they say that 1 photo ID (Passport) will do fine. Panic over.