mortgage lien on property



I have a question in regards to a lien placed on our home.

My husband owned a business prior to us being married and it went into liquidation in Jan 2010. He had given several personal grantees on loans and credit facilities he had with banks / companies.

We jointly built a house starting Aug 2009 and finished in May 2010. We got the mortgage jointly and pay it jointly.

We married in July 2010 and at this point I was totally unaware of any personal guarantees he had given.

Since then several court proceeding have been filed against him. Recently one company was granted a right to place a lien on our home for the amount of 120K.

I do understand that his junction is against him and not me. From what I gather if we ever sell the house I will get 50% of any profit and his will go to this company.

However I fell like if we ever sold the house as a married couple with the intention of buying another house, then that would directly effect me.

My question is, can I appeal that despite the case not been taken against me? Am I protected in any way from that happening? I never did and would never consent to my home being used a collateral for anything so how can they come after it?

Does anyone have any experience of this or advice?
Doesn't matter whether or not he gave personal guarantees and it does not matter whether or not you consented. The banks now have a judgement against him and they are entitled to pursue all his assets to recoup their money. This includes half your house.