Yes, the OP is going to have to come up with approximately €460 a month to pay the remainder of their mortgage, plus whatever they pay for their mortgage protection & house insurance. On top of that they may have credit card or loan repayments, plus the usual utility bills & food.
OP, when you visit your CWO they will give you a form to fill in, part of which has to be completed by your mortgage lender, & they have to supply a copy of the original loan agreement. As this might take them a few days to supply I would suggest that you bring the form in personally to them & ask them to ring you when it’s ready, so as you can collect it & deliver it to your CWO by hand to save any delays.
Your CWO will also require bank statements etc, & will tell you exactly what information they need when you talk to them. They will also more than likely visit you in your home as part of the process.
Is it feasible to rent out a room or two in order for you to supplement your income? The CWO will ask you this & will expect you to try if you have the rooms.
I would strongly suggest that you make an appointment to see a MABS money advisor
There is a waiting list, but they provide an excellent service & can contact creditors on you behalf after they have gone through your finances with you. Having them deal with your creditors takes a bit of the sting out of your current (& hopefully short-term) difficulties. They can negotiate on your behalf & won’t make you do anything you don’t want to do or allow you to make any unrealistic repayment agreements. It also looks good if you have a Government sponsored body advising you, plus it looks good for anyone that you do owe money to, having official letters in your file rather than just letters from you.
It is best to inform any other creditors that you may have that you are experiencing financial difficulties at an early stage, rather than later on when things have spiralled out of control. You could write to them & advise them that you are currently unemployed, that you have made an appointment with MABS & ask if they will suspend all interest & penalty fees until such a time that MABS contact them on your behalf with a view to coming to a mutually acceptable repayment program, at least for the short term until such a time that your financial situation improves. You could offer to make nominal payments in the meantime, however small they may be.
Hopefully you will be able to somehow pay your next mortgage repayment & that the CWO will be able to process your application for MIS without too much delay, & in the meantime, if possible maybe you could try to rent out a room for a while?