I bought my first and only house in 2005. I was lucky enough to sign up for a tracker. I was away for a while and rented the house out. All very legitimate, PRTB, tax returns etc. except in one aspect - Never informed Bank.
Back over a year but living elsewhere. Never claimed Mortgage Interest Relief.
Fine Gael propose to give 30% MIR up to 10,000 euro interest. Would be worth 250+ euro on mortgage repayments.
Considering moving back into house. So my question is if I apply now for MIR, will bank start inquiries and remove my tracker for having rented out house.
I bought my first and only house in 2005. I was lucky enough to sign up for a tracker. I was away for a while and rented the house out. All very legitimate, PRTB, tax returns etc. except in one aspect - Never informed Bank.
Back over a year but living elsewhere. Never claimed Mortgage Interest Relief.
Fine Gael propose to give 30% MIR up to 10,000 euro interest. Would be worth 250+ euro on mortgage repayments.
Considering moving back into house. So my question is if I apply now for MIR, will bank start inquiries and remove my tracker for having rented out house.