Mortgage Interest Payments Recalculation



I have just discovered I am being charged the incorrect rate on my mortgage for the last 5 years.

My correct rate should be Euribor plus a percentage.

How can I calculate how much I have over paid as there have been many rate changes in this period.

Does anybody know of a website or a company that can recalculate what my correct payments should have been?

Any help would be great !
Thank you for that.

As far as I know it is the 3 month euribor rate. It is a mortgage on a property in Spain and the terms offered were Euribor +.75%.

Obviously the rate changed frequently so I was hoping that I could use some application where I could drop in the Euribor rate +.75% each time it changed and the application would throw out the mortgage payments monthly so I can calculate the overpayment.