mortgage insurance


Registered User
New to the forum, so apologies if this is in the wrong place.

Basically, ive been paying mortgage protection for the last 3 years covering my husbands employment 100%. I filled in the forms, we both signed.

We are now separated over a year and ive finally decided to cancel. Firstly, i cannot cancel without his signature (even though the payment is from my personal bank acc)..which i was a little annoyed about, but as he signed the form day one, i can understand it.

The nice lady on the phone said she'd look into my file. Here's where my shock came.. we drew the mortgage down in three stages, so effectively there is three loans. She tell me that i am the one covered on 2 of the loans and him on the other one. I never covered myself, i ticked all the boxes where it said 100% cover for him. All this time, he has not been covered on the majority of the mortgage...even though that's what i was paying for. My job was completely safe.

She's going to "look into it" for me, but I'm so certain of what i filled in. Effectively ive been paying for something i didn't want or need for the last three years, and the cover i asked for was not provided.

What do i do now? do i just let it go?
In the first instance, I'd ask for copies of everything you signed. That should show exactly what you applied for and should show where the mistake lies.

Spoke to EBS direct on Friday.. i called them as i had heard nothing.

Lady on the phone was very nice. She managed to check the initial signed document and it was ticked correctly for 100% cover for my husband. She said they will rectify it now on screen. So an error along the way it seems.

I wonder would he actually have been covered though if he claimed during the time of the mess up.
In the event of a claim, they would most probably go back to the original file to double check info held electronically. The error would most likely have been picked up then.

If you were dealing with a broker, they would most likely have kept a copy of the proposal form too and would have caught the error and corrected the insurance company.

It was good you spotted it though as insurance companies do make mistakes like this sometimes.