our house is valued at 290k..and our mortgage was for 180k
our mortgage is now 194.975.92
Gina, I honestly think the only sensible option is to put the house up for sale. Madangan already mentioned this as an option and I do think it's the best one.
Children are very adaptable. They will adjust to a new home no problem. You can make it a positive thing. A home isn't the four walls you have mortgaged there, a home is where your family is, where you live with your loved ones.
Where did you get the valuation figure of 290k? Is that a recent figure? Can you check on daft.ie what other similar properties are going for in the area? If it's really 290k then I would sell asap for 250-260k, be shut of that mortgage and use the extra 50k or so as a nest-egg. Rents are getting cheaper. Rent for a while, leave your nest-egg grow (there's some good savings plans available - see
http://www.askaboutmoney.com/showthread.php?t=90481 for info on best interest rates etc) and relax, safe in the knowledge that you've offloaded that debt.
The 50 will grow and, in time, if you wish, you might be able to buy again. Or if you raise the kids in a rented house, nothing wrong with that. Some beautful houses going these days for cheap rent.
But if this court process proceeds, I don't know if you *can* sell then. So I would move on this fast before the court procedure starts.
If it ends up being re-possessed it will sell for a song - take control now and sell it yourself for a higher figure.