Mortgage Drawdown - Any way to speed up?


Registered User
Hi everyone

Just wondering if anyone knows a way to get Ulster Bank to get the funds to my solicitor in time for me to get the keys by the weekend?

They should have them tomorrow at House Mortgages and then they say it takes two days, so he won't have funds until Thurs - cutting things very fine for me. Any way of getting them to send him the loot on Weds?

I might go mad if I spend another weekend in my Mammy's house.

Actually, I've just had another thought!!

My mortgage is mostly for renovations. My solicitor has enough left over from the sale of my old house to pay the balance of the new house purchase price. Is there any reason why I have to wait for the mortgage to close the purchase?

None whatsoever, if your solicitor has the funds to close and your household insurance is in place away you go! Good luck.

Thanks Sarah.

Goes to show you how caught up you get in things that the most straightforward solutions pass you by. Mind you, you'd nearly think that's what you'd have solicitors for!
