Mortgage Denied - Does it show on Credit Report


Registered User
I have posted about how we applied for a couple of mortgages and they were denied.

Reasons were generally about our repayment ability, but our broker says that they just don't want the type of business as its a topup and the original mortgage is not a year old yet.

Anyhoo, If we try to reapply for the mortgages again when our bank statements etc, are 'fluffed up' in about 6 months time....will the banks we apply too see that we were refused. And if so, is this a problem for us.

Thanks for any advice.
Yes, I think that will show on your credit report. You can apply to see your own credit report, it costs 6.00 Euro
You should definatly request your credit report to see for sure, its likely that it will be there though.
The credit reference wont show that you were declined, it will just show what banks made an enquiry. The bank will then draw its own conclusion as to why the loan didnt go ahead, it isnt always the case that people are declined, sometimes they just dont go ahead or go with another provider having shopped around.