Mortgage & credit card debt


New Member
hi guys I'm looking for some advice here.
II'm hoping to purchase a house quite soon.
I'm looking for a mortgage of €55k as I'll be paying €250k cash off the house.

Repayments on €55k are around €500.00 a month and I currently save €600.00 a month for the last 4 years whilst also paying €300.00 a month mortgage.

i applied for my ccr rating and i had two card with outstanding debt,one is with cabot for €1150.00 and second with aib for €3000.00 both from 2007.

Can i ask will this effect me getting a mortgage.
Any advice will be appreciated
I would imagine that the lender will reason "He doesn't bother paying his debts, so why give him a mortgage?"

How come you have €250k and have not paid your debts?
Would guess you won't get a mortgage with these 2 Cc debts still outstanding perhaps with a lender specialising in poor credit rating.....I wouldn't go near them to be honest.
Settle the debts and ask if possible if they will clear your poor credit rating....real long shot but you never know.